- 目錄
第1篇 雙語學校春季開學典禮講話稿范文2022
第2篇 雙語學校春季開學典禮講話稿
第3篇 雙語幼兒園藝術節(jié)開幕領導講話稿
第4篇 2022級新生開學典禮雙語講話稿
dear freshmen, ladies and gentlemen:
good afternoon!
it’s a big ceremony for our school today: it’s joyous and memorable, for you, the new students, young and fresh, have come to join us. the constant leave and arrival of students verify the unique vitality of the university. here on behalf of our school--- school of international studies, i extend our warm welcome and express our gratitude to all the freshmen, no matter whether you willingly or reluctantly chose to come to our school, to become members of our big family.
you may have assumed that the university is the place where you are to be prepared for your future career, just as james duderstadt, professor, educator and former president of michigan university claims: one of the university’s aims is to equip the students with knowledge and ration, in order to make them fine citizens and enable them to have a meaningful life.true, the university does that thing. but more important, as mr liang qichao explained, what an university really does is to have students “l(fā)earn to be a man”, that is , to be “a knowledgeable man free from perplexity, a benevolent man free from worry, a courageous man free from fear” . to him, all the disciplines and knowledge the university provides for you are “just means for the makings of man, but not the end in themselves”. then, a question may be asked: how to be a man free from perplexity, worry and fear, a man useful for human kind, the country and your family?
in chinese culture, the traditional value has it: aspiration makes a man. my first word of advice to you, therefore, is asperation. wang yangming, a chinese scholar of ming dynasty, believes : “without aspiration, one can reach no where.” mr. yang changji, teacher of mao zedong, told mao and his classmates: “one’s final achievements depend largely on his aspiration. aimless, a born-talent will end up a mediocrity; aspirated, a common person can turn into a great man.” all of us have witnessed their final accomplishments. young learners as we are now, we should also set up great aspiration for our life , as early as possible, for ambition can guide us forward toward our goal despite any obstacles, distractions and difficulties, so that we can make best use of university stay time, during which we are supposed to be most vigorous in vitality, thirsty for knowledge, powerful in creativity, and flexible in character shaping, to enrich ourselves by reading as much as possible, to achieve “great knowledge”, and form “great vision”, so as to lay a sound foundation for our future career. yu guangzhong , well-known chinese poet, believes: “aspiration makes a man outstanding”, which was proved by mr. ma yun who once told the students of qinghua university when he was making a speech there: congratulations to you, for you were taken in by a very good university in china--only second to hangzhou teachers’ college. ma set up his ambition when he was a student at hangzhou teacher’s college, and finally rose to become one of the most successful businessmen in the country. this proves a fact: success belittles one’s background. now, as students of sis, we might as well cherish such lofty conviction: “we are mere students of foreign languages today, we are certain to bring honour to our alma mater someday.”
the actualization of aspiration calls for perseverance which is my second word of advice for you. benjamin franklin wrote: “i have never seen a man who is up early in the morning, hard-working, prudent and honest complains that the fate is unfair for him. the one who has fine characters, good habits, and strong will-power can never be defeated by such thing known as ‘fate’.” again, ma yun met his failure 16 years ago at new york, but he did not give up his effort, and 15 years later in xx, he brought the biggest transaction of ipo to new york stock market ever in its history. perseverance is the driving force for the realization of one’s expectation. confronted by today’s materialistic trends and temptations of all kinds, the more determined one is with his aim, the more likely he is to be successful. perseverance means constant effort, which finds no substitute. success of any sort can be obtained only through hard work, just as nietzsche put it: “if there is really a miracle in the world, it is only another name for exertion.” one’s patience can predetermine his pursuit level: he who expects immediate return of his every effort can only be suitable for hourly worker. perseverance also means some abandons: to give up those things or doings that hinder the achievement of one’s goal. let’s review the the teaching of makarenko, famous educator of soviet union: “strong will does not necessarily mean the ability to acquire what one desires. it also means the ability to force oneself to give up something when necessary.” we may ask ourselves, therefore, whether such bad habits of procrastination, idleness and undue hedonism, commonly seen among youngsters today, have been corrupting our will and forming obstructions to the realization of our aspiration?
motse says “aspiration is mobilized by action”, which means aspiration will be effective only if it is put into practice, thus leading up to my third word of advice: action. the four years of college life is merely a flick meanwhile time flies. modern society is competitive in nature, and that the state of inertia is terrible enough, but what is more terrible is the fact that other peers who are equally excellent or ever more excellent are taking action, quicker than you. by action, we mean we should begin acting at the right place, in other words, “do right things in a right way”. you should set the correct goal as early as possible, and work out your learning schedule by first leaving out those peripheral, unworthy things in order that you make best use of every minute of your college time. you should not idle away all your time in phone games, weibo, wechat, and qq. your action plan for four years must be framed with the guide of your mentors, the earlier the better, with every move logically and rationally scheduled, the principle being “specific time for specific use”, to achieve the best result of action.
thus comes to the conclusion: aspiration makes a man aim high, perseverance makes a man stand out excellent, and action makes a man push forward.
girls and boys, a university is a place where knowledge and thoughts converge and are distilled, a magnificent stage where you learn to demonstrate your value in life. the faculty of sis will be your dedicated companion all the way to your destination, going all out to help you in your pursuit of “unity in diversity in languages and cultures, excellence for learning, career and life”. we sincerely hope you will be able to release your dream here, and make your adolescence a completely worthy stay with us in four years time.
thank you!
有了志向,還須堅守。所以我給大家的第二個忠告就是堅守。富蘭克林說過:“我從未曾見過一個早起、勤奮、謹慎、誠實的人抱怨命運不好;良好的品格,優(yōu)良的習慣,堅強的意志,是不會被假設所謂的命運擊敗的?!瘪R云xx年前去紐約失敗而歸,但他從不曾放棄,xx年后的xx年他帶給了美國紐交所史上最大的一單首次公開募股(ipo)。堅守是實現(xiàn)理想的動力,在當今物欲橫流,各種誘惑環(huán)伺的時候,越能堅守,成功的可能性就越大。堅守需要意味著付出持續(xù)的努力, 而努力從沒有替代品,任何成就均需通過努力才能得到。正如尼采所言:“如果這世界上真有奇跡,那只是努力的另一個名字?!比说哪托臎Q定其境界:付出一點就想馬上就想有回報的,只能做鐘點工。堅守,還意味著某些放棄,即放棄那些有礙自己實現(xiàn)理想的事情和行為。著名教育學家馬卡連柯說:“堅強的意志,不僅是想什么就獲得什么的那種本事,也是迫使自己在必要的時候放棄什么的那種本事。”我們可以問問自己,年輕人最常見的拖沓和懶惰,以及過早的享樂思想,是否在侵蝕著我們的意志,妨礙著我們實現(xiàn)我們的理想?
墨子曰“志行,為也”,是說意志付于行動,才是作為。我給大家第三個忠告便是行動。時間滾滾向前,大學四年彈指一揮間。現(xiàn)代社會競爭激烈,自己無所作為當然可怕,但更可怕的是和自己一樣優(yōu)秀甚至更優(yōu)秀的人行動更快。行動意味著找準下手之處,要點是“正確地做正確的事”。同學們應盡快明確自己的目標,先從砍掉邊際價值最低的事情開始,規(guī)劃四年的學習生涯,使治學中的每一寸光陰變得更有價值。 學會與時間賽跑,不要讓光陰在玩游戲、發(fā)微博、刷微信、聊qq中無謂蹉跎。在導師的幫助下,及早要作好行動規(guī)劃,邏輯而理性地安排每個步驟,“專時專用”方能提高行動效率。
同學們,大學是一個知識思想?yún)R聚提煉的地方,是你們開始體現(xiàn)人生價值的炫麗舞臺。 外國語學院全體教職員工將與你們一道前行,幫助你們“追求語言與文化之多元融合,實現(xiàn)學業(yè)、事業(yè)和人生之卓越 ”。祝愿你們在此四年的學習時間里,放飛夢想,綻放出你們青春的風采。