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更新時(shí)間:2024-11-20 查看人數(shù):3


第1篇 文學(xué)社邀請(qǐng)函











第2篇 英文學(xué)術(shù)邀請(qǐng)函




mr lu

huazhong university of science and technology

luoyu road


march 21, 20xx

wilson wang

school of public administration

peking university

102 boai road

beijing 100080

dear wilson wang:

i have received your letter dated march 20, 2016,inviting me to attend theacademic contpence on land institution reform and innovation duringurbanization to be held in peking university in beijing april 1-3, 2016.thankyoufor your invitation.

i am pleased to accept your invitation and attend the contpence ontime.

yours sincerely,


dear xx,

on behalf of the xxxxx, i would be very pleased to invite you to attend aconference of the forthcoming 1st opportunity and challenge xxxxx to be held inxxxuniversity, china, from december 19 to december 30, 2011.

as we all know, google is one of the top corporations around the world incomputer science, and the biggest internet search service provider. at the sametime, google’s products are also famous and popular in music, society network,and smartphone operating system et al. you are an internationally acclaimedscholar and businessman assuredly. your research on distributed software serviceand parallel computation is widely used in computer science. your participationwill be among the highlights of the conference.

we sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. as you know, thisis the 1st held of occsg and we plan to make it a truly international meeting.we have accepted many papers from several disciplines.

if you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since wehave toprepare the final program soon. we are looking forward to your acceptance.

sincerely yours,




dear ms wang:

i have the great pleasure, on behalf of the international conference onmedical biometrics orga

nization, of inviting you to contribute to the symposiumon medical device technologies, medical data processing and management, medicalpattern recognition, medical biometric systems and applications to be held inshenzhen, between 30th may and 1th june 2014.

we would like to invite you to submit a manuscript to the internationalconference on medical imaging devices, medical information retrieval, biometrictechnologies, feature matching and classification, computer-aided diagnosis andother applications. the idea is to present originally contributed research,review, and short communication articles in the field of medical biometrics.deadline for submissions would be april 3, 2014. kindly submit your manuscriptsas an e-mail attachment at luguangm@hit.edu.cn.

i will be looking forward to your favorable reply.

sincerely yours,

guangming lu


第3篇 英文學(xué)術(shù)會(huì)議邀請(qǐng)函



mr lu

huazhong university of science and technology

luoyu road


march 21, 20xx

wilson wang

school of public administration

peking university

102 boai road

beijing 100080

dear wilson wang:

i have received your letter dated march 20, 2016,inviting me to attend the academic contbrence on land institution reform and innovation during urbanization to be held in peking university in beijing april 1-3, 2016.thankyou for your invitation.

i am pleased to accept your invitation and attend the contbrence on time.

yours sincerely,


dear xx,

on behalf of the xxxxx, i would be very pleased to invite you to attend a conference of the forthcoming 1st opportunity and challenge xxxxx to be held in xxxuniversity, china, from december 19 to december 30, 2011.

as we all know, google is one of the top corporations around the world in computer science, and the biggest internet search service provider. at the same time, google’s products are also famous and popular in music, society network, and smartphone operating system et al. you are an internationally acclaimed scholar and businessman assuredly. your research on distributed software service and parallel computation is widely used in computer science. your participation will be among the highlights of the conference.

we sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. as you know, this is the 1st held of occsg and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. we have accepted many papers from several disciplines.

if you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since wehave to prepare the final program soon. we are looking forward to your acceptance.

sincerely yours,




dear ms wang:

i have the great pleasure, on behalf of the international conference on medical biometrics organization, of inviting you to contribute to the symposium on medical device technologies, medical data processing and management, medical pattern recognition, medical biometric systems and applications to be held in shenzhen, between 30th may and 1th june 2014.

we would like to invite you to submit a manuscript to the international conference on medical imaging devices, medical information retrieval, biometric technologies, feature matching and classification, computer-aided diagnosis and other applications. the idea is to present originally contributed research, review, and short communication articles in the field of medical biometrics. deadline for submissions would be april 3, 2014. kindly submit your manuscripts as an e-mail attachment at luguangm@hit.edu.cn.寫作模板

i will be looking forward to your favorable reply.

sincerely yours,

guangming lu





  • 文學(xué)邀請(qǐng)函(3篇)
  • 文學(xué)邀請(qǐng)函(3篇)3人關(guān)注

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  • 英文學(xué)術(shù)邀請(qǐng)函(2篇)
  • 英文學(xué)術(shù)邀請(qǐng)函(2篇)2人關(guān)注

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